Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wednesday 9th of July.

I just had a startling revelation. A rather chocking and uncomfortable one as well actually. And I’m beginning to worry whether I’ll ever be able to let it go.
I think that I’ve just witnessed a definite sign of myself “growing up”, even if ever so slightly!

Every summer I’ve been obsessed with Big Brother. Every year I’ve tried to fight it, only to have found myself getting helplessly sucked back in again. I’ve even been known to vote!!

Sometimes when I went out on Friday nights (eviction nights), I even asked people if they happened to know who got the boot. I mean, that’s pretty serious devotion, that is!

This year – I. Couldn’t. Possibly. Care. LESS!!!

I mean, come on – that means I’ve grown up, right? That I’m now that fully fledged adult I’ve always avoided and dreaded to become. After realising this, I’m not really sure of what to expect next.

To be completely honest with you, there have been other alarming signs as well. I’ve begun to enjoy documentaries! Who the hell in their right frame of mind would voluntarily utter words like that??! I’ll tell you who! An ADULT, that’s who!! Do you understand me now? My fear? My worries?
(I especially enjoyed one about costal erosion, which had me absolutely absorbed! And then there was one, once, about how to build your own boat…fascinating stuff - fascinating!!)

Today, things got worse. I was in Tesco to buy some bean burgers (what else?) and found myself, as usual, strolling past the magazine shelves (well, it’s pretty difficult to avoid them since they’re just by the entrance and you literally can’t get past them without at least shooting them a glance).

Heat magazine comes out every Wednesday. And therefore every Wednesday I’m ending up experiencing something very close to romantic euphoria when I find a new glossy copy on the shelf in front of me. This normally never fails. I’m a loyal costumer.

But today – I felt..well, close to nothing, really! Yes, obviously I BOUGHT it (I mean, let’s not get ridiculous here) but then just earlier after coming home, instead of immediately throwing myself on the sofa reading it thoroughly, I just glanced in it for a few minutes while waiting for the oven to heat up. Then I threw it on the floor (in a neat and organized way). This is UNHEARD of!!! And I still haven’t felt an inkling of an urge to pick it up again!

And…gulp – I’m not even sure where it is (I think it might be underneath some other neatly thrown things like papers and maps and flags and stuff).


Or, you know, maybe it’s just something I’ve eaten that has effected me in a weird way! Come on, I’ve been living off vegetables for days for a start! Maybe this is what being a vegan does to you?

I feel a bit calmer now. I had some cheese earlier so literally my vegan days are now over. I’m a vegetarian now. I feel there’s still hope. Well, sort of…I still don’t fancy watching Big Brother!! (But on the other hand, there’s a pretty thrilling programme about sea gulls on the other channel…………aaarrrrghhhhhhhhh!!!!)

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