Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tuesday 8th of July

This is going to be a pretty boring week, I can tell you that already. I’ve decided to have a detox week and it started yesterday. It’s good for you and everyone should do it now and again, but FUN it is not!

I reckoned this would be the perfect time to do it since last week was particularly unhealthy! Me and seven others went to Rimini in Italy, and for some reason decided to drink our own weight in alcohol. But oh, was it fun…

We started with a champagne breakfast on the train to Stansted at 7:30 in the morning. Then I was actually sensible enough to wait until we got there, but most of the others drank their way through the airport and the flight. Then we were straight off to the beach for some sea, sun and more drinking. The whole trip was pretty much one long party.

The plan – my plan - had at first been to go to San Marino the next afternoon for a couple of hours, and I managed to convince about four of the others to come along. Did it happen? No, obviously not. (Actually the guys had been knocking at our door and kept texting us to wake us up in order to go but,..nah….:-))

At some point during the night I had woken up, feeling that the bed was too warm and deciding that the floor looked so much cooler and comfortable, so I hopped off and continued sleeping beside it! Then Nicola woke up a bit later, looking around herself, wondering where the hell I was. The door to the toilet was open, so I clearly couldn’t have been in there. Maybe I’d gone to get something or gone to breakfast? Then suddenly she realised that she could hear someone breathing…
I’ve been laughing so incredibly much about this! You wake up alone in a hotel room, seeing that noone is there, but you can hear breathing… It’s like a scene from a horror movie!!! :-D
But you know, I can still remember how SENSIBLE my choice to move to the floor felt – then and there! It’s incredible..

I’m still waiting for one specific photo Nicola asked someone to take of all of us on the beach that was just fantastic. Everyone is looking so happy. Happy and drunk! Ill post it when I get it.

The second day we were out until sunrise, going swimming after having been to a fantastic bar by the beach. Then we went home to continue the party until about 8:30……………and then we had to check out at 10! To be honest, it was such a fantastic couple of days - really, really good, but when I finally got home from the whole journey - from the hotel in Italy back to my bed in London – I was so happy I was floating on little clouds! I was exhausted!

So as I said, there really isn’t any time more appropriate for detox than now, really!

I’ve spent two days eating miso, wonton and cabbage and beetroot soup now, and it’s beginning to bug me a bit. That’s for sure. And I’ve bought every detox drink in the supermarket – acai smoothies, milk thistle water, teas with herbs I didn’t know existed… But so far it feels good. I do have to say I miss coffee though. I spent several minutes this morning just smelling the coffee jar, and I was close, very close to making myself a cup. But I didn’t.

But I mean, I’m not complaining. There are exciting stuff in the pipeline here. I mean, now I’ve been vegan for two days (and even made enough cabbage soup to last for breakfast tomorrow. THAT’s something to look forward to, I tell you!), and tomorrow I’ll be a much more comfortable vegetarian!
It’s a big difference, trust me! Me and Joanna were vegans for a week last year, and that taught us both quite a lot. There are so many really tasty things you can get if you’re a vegetarian! Delicious nut roasts, leek and cheese sausages, bean pies… But if you’re a vegan, you’re pretty much screwed. Or at least totally left to your own devices! The only problem with being a vegetarian is probably restaurants, I’d say, cos they often have a pretty lame sortiment of veggie alternatives. It’s salad every time, or if you’re lucky – a piece of courgette lasagne or so.

So I think the plan is to stay vegetarian for another eight days, then go get a steak!

Yep..that’s the..that’s the plan.

(Do I sound bored? About the prospects? Cos I am! If you reckon that I sound like I’m pulsating with enthusiasm here, I’m telling you, you’ve really misinterpreted my signals…:-))

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