Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday and almost a whole week of detox and veggie diet is over. The weird thing is that it feels pretty good. I’m not particularly bothered. There’s nothing of the things that I can’t have that I feel that I desperately need or want.

Oh, actually, yes there is. Or was. I’ve had several cups of coffee. In fact, I’m having my third cup of the week right this very moment.

But so what! Leave me alone. I wanna see you have cabbage for breakfast before having a go at me. It would be worse if I went out tonight drinking mojitos, eating peanuts or nachos, no?

Yes, I’m having a coffee and I’m enjoying it. And you can’t stop me.

But catastrophe hit at lunch. I’ve got a favourite salad. It’s frisee, lamb lettuce, spinach and tiny pieces of shredded beetroots together, and the best thing is you get it in a bag, already mixed and properly washed. You just have to load it up on the plate. Easy life.

I had it with some tomatoes, mozzarella and a baked potato with cheese. Lovely. Then in the middle of the meal I suddenly found something that looked alarmingly close to being a dead bug. A thing like that can seriously traumatize a person. Probably even paralyse you if you’re of a more delicate nature.

I mean, the thing is, if you buy salad in a plastic, sealed bag, you want to believe that it’s so clean it’s probably been sterilized and hand checked for intruders. When you buy salad, or anything else for that matter, that is sealed, then you’re not so much buying convenience as you’re buying safety! And this bubble of safety had now been burst! And my problem is that I’m not completely sure of how to get back into it – that bubble! It’s a problem, I’m telling you.

To be fair, the bug did look suspiciously similar to a piece of lettuce…

But you just can’t be sure. Unless you taste it. And I wasn’t prepared to do that.

A similar thing happened about six months ago when a small moth flew into the oil while I was making pop corn and got deep fried (and served) together with them. I didn’t get over that until…………..….I still haven’t got over that.

You see? Bubble. Burst. Trauma.

Maybe I’ll be able to deal with it better after another cup of coffee? Seems only reasonable.

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