Sunday, December 16, 2007

Was planning to do a bit of hiking in the next couple of days, providing that the weather would be fine.

So I went to the BBC weather site to check the forecast.
So far, no confusion.
I was even humming.

Then suddenly I found myself getting talked into participating in a "brief" survey, since my "opinion was very important to them".

Oh, in that case...

The brief survey was estimated to last for 5 minutes. I could easily find ways to shorten it to about 2 mintes...tops!
In fact, it seems to me that a few of the questions have been added just to fill out space! I just can't comprehend how the answers the BBC gets, can possibly guide or enlighten them all that much.

Why have you come to the weather site today?
-To check the weather (!)

How do you plan on finding out this information?
-By using the site (?)

No, but come ON!!!


Give me a break...

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