Saturday, February 02, 2008

A friend of mine, Craig, has got a new hobby – lighthouses. Personally I reckon he’s a bit late. I’ve had them as a hobby for ages already! I even went to a lighthouse exhibition in Santander in May! That’s devotion, that is! (The devotion in itself might seem a bit mental, but it’s devotion nevertheless…)*

I can’t help obsessing about lighthouses. It’s in my genes! All Scandinavians (well maybe saying “ALL” is a BIT drastic) love them! In Norway (and Sweden) we’ve even got a children’s program about a lighthouse! He’s a pretty nice and happy fellow, but still in a wise and reflecting kind of way and he’s got a boat as a mate! Winning concept for a TV show. Got everything you need. Excitement, fear, passion…you name it.

But listen, this might just possibly be your lucky day, because I’ve found you your own lighthouse! Well, basically I found me my own lighthouse, but then I moved on to bigger and more exciting hobbies (like trainspotting), and forgot all about it. But I’m willing to lend you my utopia (if you treat it with the respect it clearly deserves).

This is an island just off the shore of Croatia! And it’s free for you to rent or buy! How cool is that? Go for it Craig, go for it! Don't listen to negative people pointing out rubbish like

"But, but, there are no nightclubs, no food, no humans, Craig! Maybe you should think twice about this, Craig?"

Bollocks to that!

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you to really, really experience something so traumatic you'll never complain about British weather ever again. And it's up to you to grab this chance and not let it go to waste.

And to be fair, the possibilities of how you can entertain yourself on the island are pretty much endless. You can pretend that the country is at war (and maybe pretend that you're Croatian as might help) and the whole outcome of the war depends on you! YOU have to find and guide the rescue team coming from the sea and make sure they save you from the nasty nazis (or aliens or whatever you fancy, really). A weekend full of joy! And drama.

Or you can pretend you're a pirate! Bring a parrot and some gin! Get an eye patch. Really make an effort to adapt to your new role! This could be life changing stuff, Craig! Life changing stuff...

Anyway, if this, despite everything, isn't your cup of tea, just keep in mind that I'm full of other equally brilliant ideas... Just ask ;-)


* No I did NOT go to Santander just for the lighthouse exhibition. I accidentally ran into it! Ahh…believe want you want! Bastards.


Crystal Louise said...

Evelyn... I think you had better watch out, because I'm thinking of stealing your utopia! *snatches*
But seriously... I've never understood the thing about lighthouses as a point of focus or fascination... Ships I can understand, underwater creatures I can understand, and airplanes I can understand. But lighthouses? I'm just confused. My father has a thing for lighthouses. He has a whole room devoted to them! *shakes head* I juuuust don't get it. :) Oh, and how do you do, I'm Crystal! *shakes hand*

Cheezmaestro said...

Hahaha! Ingenious ways to use an isolated lighthouse. Of course, you don't have to buy it, you could rent it for a month and stage a mystery on it with a group of friends. People do that with buildings sometimes. I remember I created a murder mystery that would fit my house and I had guests be the detectives and search for clues. It was awesome...

A2 said...

Well I'm not really into lighthouses...but your post has thrown my imagination into overdrive. My wife and I are currently knee deep into the third season of "Lost" - which deals with a flight of people that crash on a mysterious island - so island crashing has caught my fancy. Not really sure what I would do or how I would survive as I am not a big outdoors person. If there was a war I guess I would be the "lookout" in the lighthouse. Weak I know. But either way I enjoyed the post. I'm new to blogging and am trying to write at least once a week and visit several blogs a week. Thanks for sharing your lighthouse! -AA

Mystir S said...

Wow! Great imagination. I think haing your own little fortress would be kind of cool. But only if I could return to society once in while.
Off topic, I just surfed in and havvvve to say this is a great blog. Fun and amusing read.