Sunday, September 14, 2008

19th of July

Rough night! Went to a party in Bow yesterday and got back home this afternoon. Well, not from the party. I slept at Nicolas. But still. Tired… Sleepy….

I don’t tend to take any major amount of pictures when I go out (I find it tedious), but love this one from yesterday…

…of Helen and me! It’s hilarious! Just look at the guy in the corner! =D

But hey, I don’t just go to parties! I do cultural stuff as well (and no, I’m perfectly aware of the fact that watching Desperate Housewives doesn’t count)!
Went to see Figaro’s Marriage (that title sounds so, so weird to Swedish ears!) shown by the Royal Opera House in Trafalgar Square on Wednesday.

The experience in itself was a bit surreal though. Not because of Figaro (he was doing fine), but because of weird cosmic coincidences!

I was meeting German Girl (her other name is Nicole) and some others somewhere in the square. Obviously I was a few minutes late, but German Girl (Nicole) texted me saying they were sitting in the front of the square by the big screen.
But since the square was absolutely packed, this just wasn’t enough information, so standing by the edge I text her back telling her to wave at me..

About 1 minute later I get a text from Nicola (with an A) telling me to look in front of me and when I do, I see her and a bunch of others I know WAVING at me from across the square!
At first I didn’t know what was going on. Had I texted NicolA instead of NicolE? In confusion I ran across the square underneath the screen, but when I ‘d reached the middle NicolE called out for me from the side and after a few paralysed minutes me and my brought along sushi dived into the masses, whilst NicolA and company was looking very confused on the other side indeed. (They knew nothing of NicolE and thought I was there to meet them..)

Meanwhile Esther, who’s on a date in a third edge of the square (the back) sees me running, and goes looking for me in half time but then can’t find me since I’ve gone off to group nr 2. (No harm done there, she ended up with NicolE.)

I went for a relaxing evening watching the opera and ended up running forward and back over the square about 8 times. But still it was a good night. I just hope German Girl didn’t feel offended by my occasional absence (after all I was there to meet her)…

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