Thursday, May 15, 2008

Well, as I’ve mentioned, it’s been quite warm in London lately, so it’s only reasonable to expect people to get a bit delirious on an on and off basis. But if someone who’s working in public service snaps, you’d probably expect their colleges to take them aside to slap them back to sense before letting them go back to work?

A couple a days ago, while waiting for the tube, the staff made an announcement that I at first suspected was a bit of a joke. They do that at times. But then having heard the same announcement at several occasions and at different stations and lines, I realized they were being totally serious. Well, judge for yourselves:

“It is very hot in London at the moment. It is therefore important that you keep a bottle of water with you at all times. If someone would take it from you while you are between stations, please get off at the next stop and ask for help immediately!”


I mean, come ON! Get off immediately to ask for help??

I was at Ladbroke Grove at the time, going to Hammersmith. That’s FOUR stations… I began to worry whether I’d be all right or not. I had drunk 50cl of pomegranate juice during the last half an hour, but…but…..would that be enough?? What would happen if I – two stations into my journey – suddenly realized that I was thirsty again? That would mean at least 2 more minutes of dehydration before I reached my final destination! I wasn’t sure if it was worth taking the risk. What would my mum say?

I was going to meet Marta in the pub. Surely there would be drinks available in there? The pub was only about 20 meters from the station – should I go for it?
I thought about it long and hard, and then suddenly (a bit like in a movie) I got a feeling…something of a voice telling me from above:

-“Only the brave can be winners. Only people with guts and determination will ever reach their goals in life!”

So, I did it! I did it! I jumped on the next train! I WENT for it! I felt a weird sensation of pride, that I was somehow unstoppable. If I could do THIS, I could do anything. Probably even cross the street on my own.

Yeah, life is gonna be exciting from now on. Remember, at the moment I’m unstoppable!

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